Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost end of summer

As summer quickly winds down, my daily to do's wind up. The kids have had about all they can take of summer, and each other. Honestly I am pretty frazzled myself. We have had a run of the summer sickies at our house, and it just seems to be lingering. Either that, or my body is so tired I just can't seem to feel better. Either way this has left me no time to do much but take care of littles, referee fights, and now that my little pickle climbs stairs, I am constantly chasing her up them. Coming down... not so much. And to top off the almost end of summer, today she woke from her nap and decided that her crib needed a new color....poop color! I will spare the really bad details but after her bath and a small snack she was soooo sleepy that I laid her down early. I figured the minor detail of her only wearing a diaper was no biggie because this was much earlier that her normal nap time, so it would only be a "cat nap." Boy was I wrong!!! She covered the bars, her hair, legs, belly and a bit of the wall with it. I knew instantly there was something amiss when I opened the door and the waft of stink hit my nose.
"This is true love" I tell her as I carry her to the tub.
Of course all she can do is babble and smile as if she knows it was naughty and that my intense love for those big blues is stronger than my disdain for poop! She took her shower smiling the whole time...
So that is why my lack of posts lately. I am making a promise to turn a new leaf and do better; tomorrow... Because tonight I am tooo tired!

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